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New version of to be launched 22 January 2014


Version update is going to cause a downtime 22 January between 7:00 and 9:00 am, making both the website and its user interfaces temporarily unavailable.

After the update, Ilmoitin

  • can check Employer Payroll Reports and other annual information returns for the 2014 reporting year (starting March 1, 2014).
  • has an improved background processing feature to work on large filings. With the new feature, we recommend letting the background check tool work on any filings that are larger than 10MB. We recommend compressing i.e. zipping the large files (see guidance).

Information for software developers regarding this version update


  • The only acceptable format is .pdf for attachment files to income tax returns, accounting periods ending in 2013. We cannot accept attachment files in other formats.


  • We will add the formats for 2014 annual information returns and their TaMo check features. Effective date of the new returns is 1 March 2014 (an update at is made.)
  • We will add the Real Estate Tax return form (VSY3A213) for 2013. (an update at is made).
  • We will add a new data flow (VEROKYSE) that enables the check of the existence of a record in the Register of individuals' Tax Numbers (an update at is made.)
  • Data flows for the reporting of construction sites (VSTYONTE and VSURAKKA) involve revised TaMo check features (an update at is made.)
  • Business Tax Return (Form 5) for self-employed individual taxpayers 2013: check features will be removed for positions 718, 725, 733, 734, 747 (an update at is made.)
  • We have corrected an error in the check feature that looks into the integrity of eSara record quantities (concerns Kela, the Social Insurance Institution). The final records of a filing (SARALOPP) must include information on the quantity of records, formatted as a six-digit integer, padded with leading zeros.


The 2014 tax return formats for corporate taxpayers (Form 4, Form 6, Form 6B, Form 6C) and their TaMo check features are not released until April 3, 2014. However, you can find them on the test pages of www.ilmoitin. fi as soon as they are ready. We will put up a notice to inform you of the releases.