How to read Archive
Archive only shows the filings and returns transmitted under the same User ID that you are using in your current session.
The default value of what is shown in the Submitted filings archive is the filings and returns transmitted since the 1st day of last month and today's date. To restrict your search, enter a Business ID, filing type, start date or end date. For Construction Reporting, you can additionally restrict your search with a Filing Code.
Search results show you
- Date and time of submittal
- Filing name, Filing Code, and how many filings there were with that number.
Click + (the plus sign) to open up the details of the filing, which will show you the following:
- Materials that are received = Original filename of what was submitted
- Moved on to processing as = the filename under which the filing went to processing. This information is for dealing with any errors.
- Channel = The way the filing was transferred. (Webtamo = browser, Apitamo WS or Tunneli WS = interface)
The Archive of enclosures and Excel filings shows the filings between the first day of the previous month and today's date as its default setting. To restrict your search, type in a Business ID, a start date or end date as appropriate.
File details are similar to those in the Submitted filings archive.
Large files for background checking is where you see the date and time of submittal of a larger file for checking including filing name and current check status. The status is one of the following: (Waiting for check, Moved on for further processing, Done, Errors, Technical problem).